Thursday, November 28, 2019

Significance of the veil in Islam

Introduction Wearing of the veil among Muslims has remained a debatable and controversial issue for decades, across the world. Different people have taken varying positions in explaining the origin and significance of the veil, which is a key symbol of identity among Muslim women. This is the case, with some of the people under this practice, unable to explain and defend the origin of Hijab. Moreover, the veil has gained massive popularity among Arab countries, as almost all women cover their faces.[1]Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Significance of the veil in Islam specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More While this is the case, some communities around the world view the use of the Islam veil as a way of oppressing Muslim women and depriving them their rights and freedom. This mindset has strongly been held by Western countries, which find no basis of the Hijab, neither in culture nor religion, but a self-imposed pract ice. This essay discusses the significance of the veil in Islam, and why it has become popular in most Islamic countries around the world. Veil Even though the word â€Å"veil† could be used to explain a wide range of headscarves and clothing, the term has found important meaning and application among Muslims throughout history. In general, a veil can be described as a piece of clothing worn by women to cover sections of the body like face and head. In most cases, veils are common among religious communities, where women are expected to wear them for various reasons, which have immensely contributed to the debates and stereotypes linked to the practice.[2] Within the context of Islam, there are several veils that are recognized, with most of them having been borrowed from the Arab countries, where Islam is believed to have originated from. Nevertheless, the veil has continued to face criticism from other cultures, which view it as a practice imposed on women by men as a way o f oppressing and promoting their power in the society. History of the veil According to historians, the veil has a strong history, with evidence showing that it was first used in the 13th century BC. During this time, the veil was mainly used by good women in the society, as other classes of women like prostitutes remained restricted from using it. Elements of women using veils were also recorded among Persians, who were mainly leaders at that time. Additionally, statues which have been discovered during the Classical and Hellenistic periods show the use of veils among Greeks, even though it was compulsory for all women to cover their face and head.[3] Unlike today where every Muslim woman covers her face and head, early Greek practices targeted high class women, who were expected to remain humble in the society. Moreover, the popularity of the veil grew in 1175, among married women, who used veils that ensured complete covering of the necks, hair, and chins. This continued until 14 85, when these veils were overtaken by the popularity of woods. Initially, sheer veils were worn by women on specific occasions or during a particular season, say, mourning a family member or in funeral ceremonies.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In other instances, the veil was commonly used to hide the identity of a woman, especially in cases where she was expected to meet her future husband. Besides this, women concealed their identities in cases where they were involved in a secretive event, which was supposed to remain private. Furthermore, the veil was historically used to protect the beauty and skin of women from being exposed to harsh environmental and climatic conditions like scorching sun, strong wind, and dust. Veil in Islam Islam puts strong emphasis on the manner in which women are supposed to present themselves in the society. This is primarily guided by Hijab, which is based on presentation of women in a modest way. These headdresses are commonly known as veils, and are widely used by Muslim women all over the world. This has however been interpreted differently, with a section of Muslims arguing that veils are important in preventing women from attracting men sexually.[4] The veils come in different shapes, with others covering the head and the face alone, while others cover the entire body, from head to toe. The Hijab is the commonest, especially in Western countries. This covers the neck and head alone. However, most women outside these countries are required to use the traditional veil, mainly in the Arab World. Besides Hijab, there are other veils like the niqab, which covers the whole body, leaving tiny openings on the head to allow the person wearing it to see through. These veils have gained popularity in the Arab World even though they are common in Gulf States. They have also triggered debates in most parts of Europe, where they have been highly criticized. In some cases, a section of politicians have recommended its ban, arguing that it poses security threats by concealing the identity of Muslim women.[5] Critics further argue that the use of the veil among women affects proper communication especially in cases where the entire body is covered, leaving tiny holes for the eyes. Chador is another type of veil used by Iranian women, and in other countries in the Middle East. Unlike the niqab, chador leaves the face of a woman exposed even though the head and the rest of the body remain covered. They are mainly black in color, and are also common in countries where Islam in not deeply rooted. The last type of veil worn by Muslim women is the burqa, which covers the entire body, including the whole face. However, they are designed with a mesh on the head to allow women to see through.[6] This type is widely used in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and it was enshrined in the constitution during the reign of Taliban i n Afghanistan, between 1996 and 2001.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Significance of the veil in Islam specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This made it criminal for women to be found in public without the veil. Despite these types of veils, it is worth noting that they drive towards the same point of covering the face of Muslim women. As a result, critics have questioned the Quranic support of the veil. What does the Quran say about clothing and Modesty? Islamic Clothing Modesty is a key component of Islam, requiring women to dress in a particular way. This is highly emphasized in cases where the woman is in public, say, in the company of strange people who might not know her or understand her religion. Importantly, Islam is composed of a host of prohibitions and conditions, which define one’s way of dressing, as dictated by Islamic teachings. Above all, the awra’ has to be completely covered, even t hough the manner in which it is done varies widely from one country to the other. According to Islamic teachings, Muslims are supposed to be careful with their appearance in terms of decency and level of dignity, for the purpose of enjoying the creation of Allah.[7] In general, clothing has two major meanings, according to Islamic teachings. Firstly, clothing is necessary to cover human body from nakedness, an element, which is upheld by human beings everywhere. Secondly, Muslims believe that clothing is an essential component that enhances beauty, especially in women. As a result, Muslims are required to cover their private parts at all times. Of great significance is the fact that Islam does not allow women to wear any type of cloth, depending on fashion; they must adhere to the teachings and standards of the religion. For instance, women ought to wear clothes, which cover the whole body and do not reveal any part. In this context, women are not allowed to wear tight clothes, whic h may arouse men sexually. Under this, Muslims are required to enjoy life, including clothing, without any signs of pride or extravagance.[8] This therefore gives the limits, within which women are allowed to present themselves in public. Among other body parts, the head has been given a lot of emphasis, when describing clothing among women in Islam. This has been the center of controversy especially in Western countries, where it is argued that this practice undermines women in the society and may promote security threats.Advertising Looking for essay on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Generally, clothing is widely mentioned in the Quran, and explanations have been given to clarify the need for a particular code of dressing in the society.[9] The Hijab is also emphasized, requiring women to cover their heads and the entire body, using veils and headscarves. At this point, it is important to explain the importance of the veil in Islam, as it has grown to become a requirement for all Muslim women. Significance of the Veil in Islam According to Islam, the veil has immense significance, which is believed to be supported by the Quran, the holy book of Muslims. This segment discuses some of these factors, which have made Hijab to be common in the Arab World, and in other countries, where Islamic practices are observed. Firstly, the veil is considered as a sign of obedience among Muslim women. According to the Quran, men and women are supposed to obey Allah wholly by respecting his commands and responding to the message of his messenger appropriately. It is also believed that the Quran requires women to avoid looking at certain things, which have been forbidden by God. In other words, there are specific things, which Allah does not expect believing women to look at. As a sign of obedience, they are also expected to draw their veils, and avoid showing off their beauty, apart from that which has been allowed by the law.[10] Even though the veil is mentioned in the Quran and Muslim women ought to wear it, there are scholars who have differed on whether the veil should cover the entire body or not. This is based on the fact that some veils are designed to cover a woman’s body completely, including the head, face, and hands. Secondly, the use of the veil by Muslim women is considered to be a sign of being modest. According to Allah, women are supposed to cover themselves with veils whenever they are not in their houses. This ensures that they are not harassed once they get into the public.[11] Even though it is Allah who creates beauty, it is imp ortant for women to know that they can be harmed by men, when they dress in a manner that does not conform to Islam standards. However, the threat is likely to end in cases where beauty has been lost as a result of old age. Nevertheless, they are expected to remain modest regardless of their age, and whether they cover themselves or expose their heads, faces, and hands. Besides obedience and modesty, wearing of the veil is also seen as a sign of purity among Muslim women. It is believed that the Hijab has a lot of wisdom, which has to be upheld by women at all times. As a result, men and women remain pure in their hearts because they are able to communicate without being overtaken by lustful thoughts. In the absence of the veil, one’s heart may be torn between remaining pure and committing evil things, which are not acceptable in the presence of Allah. As a result, the veil helps in eliminating dirty thoughts, which commonly characterize wicked hearts. Besides being covered, communication between men and women is supposed to be honorable to avoid triggering evil thoughts. Based on the fact that the veil covers the woman’s body, it acts as a shield from external harm exposure to the sinful hearts of men. According to Islamic teachings, Muslim women who take off the veil or refuse to wear them go against God’s laws and disables Allah’s shield, which is supposed to protect them from harm. The veil is also considered as a sign of righteousness among Muslim women. It is a command that women were given by Allah after creation, in order to remain pleasing and acceptable in his sight. This has also been supported by scholars who believe that the modern world is largely driven by pride, which is demonstrated in different fashions, which fail to protect the body of a woman.[12] In other words, some of the dresses worn by women expose them to the evil eyes of men and may result into lustful thoughts. By covering their faces and the rest of the body, women demonstrate an act of righteousness, which is a requirement from God. Additionally, it is worth noting that the Quran addresses Muslim women who believe in Islam. This therefore excludes members of the public who may be in an environment dominated by Muslins. By wearing the veil, a woman demonstrates to the rest of the world that she is a believer.[13] Those who do not believe in this religion can therefore exercise their freedom by dressing in any type of attire, regardless of whether they are in public or private. Nevertheless, most Arab countries have made it a rule for all women to wear veils regardless of whether they believe in Islam or not. This is why Hijab critics believe that it is a way of oppressing women, since the Quran does not require all women in the society to use it. The only people that Allah is concerned with are those who believe and subscribe to the teachings and doctrines of Islam Another reason why wearing of the veil is common in some countries is that it is considered to be a sign of bashfulness among women.[14] In essence, this emanates from one’s belief, which is highly regarded as the Islamic paradise. By covering their bodies, Muslim women demonstrate inherent bashfulness, which is widely viewed to exist naturally in women. On the other hand, this has highly been criticized as women are intimidated, making it hard for them to fight for their rights. Hijab in non-Arab Countries Hijab is widely criticized in non-Arab nations around the world. In fact, some countries have banned the use of veils for various reasons related to security and poor communication.[15] On the other hand, several countries have integrated Muslims in their culture and accepted them, without focusing on religious beliefs and practices. In Britain, some women are seen to struggle with the British identity as they are torn between honoring the foreign nation or being loyal to their religion and mother country. The integration of Muslims in B ritain has made them to be part of the nation as they share with Britons the task of advancing the country’s economy, through development projects and as a source of labor. Many leaders also argue that there is need to embrace multiculturalism, in order to appreciate the differences in cultural and religious identities around the world. Even though the Islamic veil is not banned in the United Kingdom, the law allows learning institutions to craft their dressing codes, which may prohibit or authorize Hijab. Some people argue that the United Kingdom does not have the mandate to dictate what people should wear on the streets.[16] However, there are other groups, which have banned full veils citing cases of insecurity. Conclusion Generally, the veil is a major component of Islam, which has been carried from one generation to another. Throughout these transitions, the original meaning of Hijab has been diluted by leaders for their interests. The veil is common in the Arab World, e ven though several countries, which do not subscribe to this, have adopted the idea as a way of integrating Muslims and making them to be part of the development process.[17] Importantly, the Hijab has a wide range of implications, especially to women. Among other reasons, the veil is a symbol of purity, obedience, righteousness, and a shield from lustful eyes of men. However, some countries have used these factors to oppress women and ensure that their voices are not heard. Bibliography Ali, Syed. â€Å"Why Here, Why Now? Young Muslim Women Wearing HijÄ b.† Muslim World 95, no. 4 (2005): 515-530. Borneman, John. â€Å"Veiling and Women’s Intelligibility.† Cardozo Law Review 30, no. 6 (2009): 2745-2760. Boulanouar, Aisha. â€Å"The Notion of Modesty in Muslim Women’s Clothing: An Islamic Point of View.† New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 8, no. 2 (2006): 134-156. Bullock, Katherine. Rethinking Muslim Women and the Veil: Challenging Historical Modern Stereotypes. United Kingdom: IIIT, 2002. Guindi, Fadwa. Veil: Modesty, Privacy and Resistance. United Kingdom: Berg, 2003. Haque, Mozammel. â€Å"Solidarity on the ‘Hijaab.† I-Mag no. 6 (2005): 41. Layaquot, Hayat. â€Å"The Beauty Of ‘Hijab In Concealing Beauty.† I-Mag no. 6: (2005): 32-33. Sheikho, Mohammad. Islam! What Are the Veil, Divorce, and Polygamy For? UAE:, 2010. Sultan-ul-Qalam, Majlis, and Lajna Imaillah. â€Å"Assessing British MP Jack Straw’s Comments Concerning Hijab in Islam.† Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. 2006. Web. Wing, Adrien, and Monica Smith. â€Å"Critical Race Feminism Lifts the Veil?: Muslim Women, France, and the Headscarf Ban.† University of California. 2006. Web. Footnotes Adrien Wing and Monica Smith, â€Å"Critical Race Feminism Lifts the Veil? Muslim Women, France, and the Headscarf Ban,† University of California, 2006. Ibid. Ibid. Ibid. Majlis Sultan-ul-Qalam and Lajna Imail lah, â€Å"Assessing British MP Jack Straw’s Comments Concerning Hijab in Islam,† Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, 2006. Ibid. Hayat Layaquot, â€Å"The Beauty Of ‘Hijab In Concealing Beauty,† I-Mag no. 6: (2005): 32. Ibid. Mohammad Sheikho, Islam! What Are the Veil, Divorce, and Polygamy For? (UAE:, 2010), 9. Ibid. Ibid., p. 32. Mozammel Haque, â€Å"Solidarity on the ‘Hijaab† I-Mag no. 6 (2005): 41. Katherine Bullock, Rethinking Muslim Women and the Veil: Challenging Historical Modern Stereotypes (United Kingdom: IIIT, 2002), 3. John Borneman, â€Å"Veiling and Women’s Intelligibility† Cardozo Law Review 30, no. 6 (2009): 2745. Fadwa Guindi, Veil: Modesty, Privacy and Resistance (United Kingdom: Berg, 2003), 10. Aisha Boulanouar, â€Å"The Notion of Modesty in Muslim Women’s Clothing: An Islamic Point of View,† New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 8, no. 2 (2006): 135. Syed Ali, â€Å"Why Here, Why N ow? Young Muslim Women Wearing HijÄ b† Muslim World 95, no. 4 (2005): 515. This essay on Significance of the veil in Islam was written and submitted by user Alison Barber to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Low Cost Airline Air Arabia Tourism Essay Example

The Low Cost Airline Air Arabia Tourism Essay Example The Low Cost Airline Air Arabia Tourism Essay The Low Cost Airline Air Arabia Tourism Essay Air Arabia is one of the low cost air hoses of UAE, based in Sharjah. It soon is runing in more than 45 finishs consisting of major metropoliss in south-east Asia, Middle-East and few parts of cardinal Asia and Africa. Air Arabia is besides registered in AACO or Arab Air Carriers Organization In the recent old ages the menace due to its replacement rivals was about nullified. They stood nowhere in forepart of Air Arabia but there had been a changeless menace from the approaching new rivals. Though the new rivals were non plenty to dispute Air Arabia, there was still some sort of menace because the Numberss of such rivals were increasing twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. In UAE ab initio there were many air service suppliers, but in the recent times Air Arabia has proved to be the most effectual one compared to its old rivals. With the increasing oil monetary values the rivals of Air Arabia increased their monetary values, but Air Arabia kept its low budget menus in order to derive more and more public support at the cost of impermanent loss or small fringy addition. The low cost bearers are so effectual that they helped Air Arabia win Merit Award for CAPA Low Cost Airline of the Year 2006 and the World Airline Award for Best Low-cost Airline in the Middle East in 2007. The biggest menace that Air Arabia has is from its rivals. The ground for the same is that one time a company gets a comment of dissatisfying its clients by non making as advertised, the rivals take advantage. Key schemes include: Entering in new sections and therefore taking dependence on scorch section ( low cost bearer ) . Arranging financess to purchase more financess. Balancing between increasing rising prices and commanding the monetary values of the tickets. Geting new and little air hoses for faster enlargement. Geting listed at new airdromes and get downing operation in new topographic points. Supporting authorities s Emiritization scheme to acquire more federal support. Talking about the execution of schemes, for increasing its selling dimension, the company has invested over DH one million in footings of Ads, both online and print media. This would ensue in a long term net income for the company, though it s rather a heavy sum on the footing of company s current scenario. More includes: International flight linking Abu Dhabi to more than 45 international finishs in USA, Indian subcontinent etc. Air Arabia carried over 4.6 million riders, an augment of about 65.8 % over in 2006. ( Lowcostairlinesworld, 2009 ) Along with this, it besides griped 175,000 dozenss of cargo in 2007, which is an addition of over 75 % than the twelvemonth 2006. Introduction: Air Arabia is one of the low cost air hoses of UAE, based in Sharjah. It soon is runing in more than 45 finishs consisting of major metropoliss in south-east Asia, Middle-East and few parts of cardinal Asia and Africa. Air Arabia is besides registered in AACO or Arab Air Carriers Organization . It was the first low-fare organisation in the Middle-East, started on 3rd February in the twelvemonth 2003. It offers about 40 % less monetary value than the other air hoses. The chief base of the air hose is Sharjah. In 2007 it was the first to offer public 55 % of its stock. It fundamentally aims at pulling the people. After its foundation it kept on distributing in services. For the clip in 2008 it had to endorse out from the Nepal part due to some unsure political and economic issues. It has collaborated with many other air hoses in many parts of the universe. Vision: The ultimate end of the company is to place itself at the top of all the Low-fare air hoses in UAE and in Gulf. The cardinal characteristics of Vision of the company are as follows: aˆ? Expanding its aircraft scope aˆ? To supply service on more figure of paths aˆ? To heighten efficiency of operations aˆ? And to increase its gross keeping a low and simple construction of low air-fare industry. Mission: The company s mission includes edifice and making multi-functional squad, addition gross and offering a value for money services in the part. The ultimate mission is to convey a revolution in the fear industry by new and advanced corporate criterions. Industry background: The air hoses industry of UAE is huge if we look at the figure of service suppliers. There are figure of low cost air hoses. National air hoses of UAE other than air Arabia include Gulf Air, Emirates and Etihad. Gulf air was started long ago in 1950. It provides a figure of installations to its users. First it has provided many onboard installations to kids below the age of 12. For the concern related people it provides the BBC universe intelligence. It besides provides separate dinning for the riders. It is treated as a standard national flight for most of the intents. Emirates air hoses were introduced after Gulf Air in 1985. It is besides considered as a national flight. It has won several awards for its services. This air hose consists of many air planes both for public and private issues. Etihad is the most recent one and was introduced after air Arabia in the same twelvemonth. It had besides become rather popular but could non vie with Air Arabia on low cost. A Kam air menu is besides considered as one of the low cost air hoses in UAE. Among all the bing national air hoses boulder clay day of the month Air Arabia is considered to be the cheapest 1. It is non considered to be a flight with the best installation on board but of class it offers a inexpensive menu t its clients. The installations provided by these national air hoses to their clients vary from each other. All these air hoses greatly contribute to the national economic system of UAE. Statement of job: In this study, we will speak about the cardinal schemes of Air Arabia, surrogate schemes available, execution, and SWOT, PEST and rival analysis of Air Arabia. For this concern, an interview with a director of the company is organized. The Manager stated that Air Arabia is making well good in its sphere which is soon concentrated to low cost air hose section. For long term position, the company is taking to come in in more sections than this alone. There are figure of strategic jobs the company is confronting. These are: Entering in new sections and therefore taking dependence on scorch section ( low cost bearer ) . Arranging financess to purchase more financess. Balancing between increasing rising prices and commanding the monetary values of the tickets. Geting new and little air hoses for faster enlargement. Geting listed at new airdromes and get downing operation in new topographic points. Supporting authorities s Emiritization scheme to acquire more federal support. Analysis: Environmental or Industrial Analysis: Air Arabia believes in supplying a superior and cost efficient life support system by presenting advanced installations and more handiness to derive client satisfaction. It aims to be a company that has value and importance based on sort of services it provides. The organisation has certain ethical motives when it comes to staffing and squad work, keeping client relationship, honestness, truthfulness, and flexibleness are that satisfy the evidences. The clients of the Air industry are in all signifiers. The aircrafts are used for the security of states and so travel to the authorities. Then importers and exporters of the market that import goods from every bit little as veggies to autos. So in bend we besides are utilizing these services. They are used for the people to go. The aircrafts are the bulk signifier of transit in the recent times. Porter s five forces analysis The menace of utility rivals: In the recent old ages the menace due to its replacement rivals was about nullified. They stood nowhere in forepart of Air Arabia. The other replacements kept on worsening and the company Air Arabia kept on bettering speaking in footings of net income in the market. The other companies could non offer such a low menus as compared to Air Arabia whose menus were singular. The menace of the entry of new rivals There had been a changeless menace from the approaching new rivals. Every now and so many new companies were launched along with the bing 1s. They all tried to fit up to the degree of Air Arabia but finally failed to go on on a long tally. They met with immense loss and finally ended up in increasing the cost. All these rivals tried to copy Air Arabia based on service it provides, but they failed to modulate them on a regular footing based on public satisfaction and demand. The strength of competitory competition Though Air Arabia continued to rule the market in the recent old ages, it had non been an easy occupation. It ever had to maintain itself watchful and altering. Though the new rivals were non plenty to dispute Air Arabia, there was still some sort of menace because the Numberss of such rivals were increasing twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. Air Arabia had to maintain a study of the predominating market conditions and take safe determinations to maintain traveling. Marketing facet of the company became important in keeping the market place. The bargaining power of clients Sing the bargaining power in instance of Air Arabia is a mere thing if we compare it with the installations it provides and the deficiency of able rivals. Peoples were non much into bargaining because Air Arabia had been the best available among all the others. However, in times of strong competition by some new challengers there had been some sort of bargaining by the clients, which was gracefully accepted for that period. The bargaining power of providers Suppliers in this instance refer to the stock holders of the company. They besides got a immense price reduction on available stocks. Besides the sum of available public stocks was well increased. They besides get a good sum of one-year dividend. Besides due to enlargement of their concern the stock holders made a immense net income. Rival Analysis: In UAE ab initio there were many air service suppliers, but in the recent times Air Arabia has proved to be the most effectual one compared to its old rivals. With the increasing oil monetary values the rivals of Air Arabia increased their monetary values, but Air Arabia kept its low budget menus in order to derive more and more public support at the cost of impermanent loss or small fringy addition. This was really important in giving Air Arabia a place rather different from others. Among all the bing national air hoses boulder clay day of the month Air Arabia is considered to be the cheapest 1. It is non considered to be a flight with the best installation on board but of class it offers a inexpensive menu t its clients. The installations provided by these national air hoses to their clients vary from each other. All these air hoses greatly contribute to the national economic system of UAE. SWOT Analysis: Strengths Sing the instance of Air Arabia, the low cost menu plays a important function in deriving the public involvement. The low cost bearers are so effectual that they helped Air Arabia win Merit Award for CAPA Low Cost Airline of the Year 2006 and the World Airline Award for Best Low-cost Airline in the Middle East in 2007.A With the increasing substructure, high regional GDP and a immense demand in assorted parts, air travels are lending to the success of low cost bearers in UAE. The ground for Air Arabia being so popular among all the parts of the universe is its award winning schemes. These awards add a great trade in their selling scheme which helps to bag future success. Air Arabia has been able to publicize its concern in the undermentioned ways: Travel bureau committees stopped Removal of interline, code-share relationships Use of secondary or alternate metropolis airdromes ( Eyefortravel, 2008 ) A As a figure of people have begun to experience the same, it is surely a positive facet of advertisement for Air Arabia. Failing The greatest failing that most of the air hoses companies are confronting presents is that they have non been able to populate up to their outlooks. On many occasions, Air Arabia has agreed on certain winging to certain finishs but it has non lived up to it. One such concern is that when the air hose company promised to wing to some of the most restricted finishs in the universe, it could non do it to Cairo as it most extremely expected by the tourers and other regular riders. So, as the advertizement said they did non book their expensive tickets through different air hose companies but at the same clip did non acquire the chance to go at all. Some of the major accoutrements as expected by the riders in Air Arabia in malice of its low cost are as follows: Amenity Kits Air Sickness Bags In-flight socks Eye sunglassess Blankets Headsets Opportunities High GDP Growth Ratess: Petroleum extraction and refinement operations have been on an all clip high in the UAE in the past few old ages. This has helped in the encouragement of the economic system of UAE. Air Arabia can take advantage of this fact and can assist do the usage of its low cost bearers more outstanding. A Positive Demographics: The per centum of young person ( under 30 old ages ) in the UAE is 64 % . This will supply a high in the hereafter market as liberalisation opens market even to air travel. It is one of the of import factors for Air Arabia to choose its aiming scheme. Strong Tourism: The energy and entrepreneurial spirit of the middle-east part is pulling touristry and concern traffic in its ain right. Ad can be done with all the touristry companies so as to do the circuit extremely low-cost for the tourers. Menaces The biggest menace that Air Arabia has is from its rivals. The ground for the same is that one time a company gets a comment of dissatisfying its clients by non making as advertised, the rivals take advantage. The other ground of menace for Air Arabia is that all the freshly unifying air hose companies are in a fling to capture the market by doing a strong repute. Once they come up with monetary value menus lesser than Air Arabia so even the best of advertisement would neglect. Company s public presentation: Air Arabia is one of the low cost air hoses of UAE, based in Sharjah. It soon is runing in more than 45 finishs consisting of major metropoliss in south-east Asia, Middle-East and few parts of cardinal Asia and Africa. Air Arabia is besides registered in AACO or Arab Air Carriers Organization . The company s mission includes edifice and making multi-functional squad, addition gross and offering a value for money services in the part. It was the first low-fare organisation in the Middle-East, started on 3rd February in the twelvemonth 2003. It offers about 40 % less monetary value than the other air hoses. The chief base of the air hose is Sharjah. In 2007 it was the first to offer public 55 % of its stock. It fundamentally aims at pulling the people. After its foundation it kept on distributing in services. For the clip in 2008 it had to endorse out from the Nepal part due to some unsure political and economic issues. It has collaborated with many other air hoses in many parts of t he universe. ( Ameinfo, 2009 ) Cardinal Schemes: A cardinal strategic issue includes: Entering in new sections and therefore taking dependence on scorch section ( low cost bearer ) . Arranging financess to purchase more financess. Balancing between increasing rising prices and commanding the monetary values of the tickets. Geting new and little air hoses for faster enlargement. Geting listed at new airdromes and get downing operation in new topographic points. Supporting authorities s Emiritization scheme to acquire more federal support. The company is seeking to present low cost flights so that more and more people avail them. There are fundamentally aiming on two countries. First of all they are cut downing some unneeded installations on short clip journeys. Removing these installations based on such a low cost barely affects public involvement. Second, they are seeking to cut down the carnival on some paths and at the same clip increasing the figure of flights on these paths. This means deriving public involvement and support based on low fringy net income. Other than offering inducements to its clients it besides offers heavy dividend and price reductions to stock holders. It was the first flight to supply so much of discount to its clients and stock holders. It keeps on increasing the installations offered in order to maintain the involvement maintained. ( Ameinfo, 2009 ) Air Arabia has late expanded its aircraft ranges. It has tried to spread out the concern in by presenting new paths in many parts of the part. There are more and figure of aircrafts in the parts where there were less no of aircrafts. Now the flights are available more often in some paths based on sum of net income made in the bing paths. In order to increase the value of its stocks in the market, the company has released more no of stocks to the populace with price reductions. The schemes, the growing and the hereafter programs offered by Air Arabia are sufficient to pull more and more stock holders which finally lead to enlargement in footings to money, power and public support. It has besides appeared on many other stock lists and minutess are besides about to get down. ( Eyefortravel, 2008 ) The company had been really peculiar in make up ones minding the cost of conveyance. It kept in head the rise and the falling monetary values of oil and other equipments, straight or indirectly related to their concern. In other words, they maintained a complete study of the predominating market. With the addition in the fuel monetary values many air hoses companies increased their monetary values and frailty versa. There are other schemes which were used for selling at fiscal degree. The company has gained a batch from them. The net income border has increased by 40 % in the recent old ages and there are still opportunities of farther addition. These all schemes have proved fruitful both for the company and the company stock holders which are straight or indirectly related to the company. The company has been able to keep up to the outlooks of its employees and its clients. Air Arabia greatly contributes in the UAE economic system. Recently it got an blessing to look on Dubai fiscal list. The Air Arabia is traveling to look on stock list of Dubai fiscal market and trading it will be started in few yearss. The manner Air Arabia is utilizing the budget and the manner it is using the schemes it is believed that in the clip to come if there is a slow economic system advancement, Air Arabia entirely can manage it. Strategic Options: Some schemes of Air Arabia for future few old ages are as follows: Expanding its aircraft scope: One of import restraint in company s enlargement program is the limited figure of lading and rider planes available to the company. The company will put periodic orders for new aircrafts to back up its enlargements programs. To supply service on more figure of paths: The company would wish to function in European states and other untasted finishs in North and South America. The enlargement will give a huge increase in company s present market size. To heighten efficiency of operations: As a long term scheme, the company would wish to implement TQM schemes in its operations. Increase its gross keeping high and choice construction of epicurean aircraft industry Another one is Emiritization and promotion of UAE people. The company has a figure of programs in this way with long term involvement which are mentioned as follows: UAE National Cadet Pilots Training or UNCPT The company invites aspirers who what to go a pilot with a statement like We are giving wings to your dreams . Its pilot preparation plan is one of the finest in the state. The company states that as the public Airline of the United Arab Emirate, it has an huge vision. To see farther Emiratis taking their right place as pilots in lone of the fastest mounting air hoses on the planet. UAE National Graduate Entry Management Plan The public air hose of the UAE, Air Arabia, is puting in its mentality and would accordingly like to pass in people by giving them the opportunity to be 1 of the privileged pupils chosen to fall in its UNGEM plan. It states that by this plan, alumnuss will develop hardy leading abilities and organize a aggregation of professionals who are organized to run into rapidly spread outing and developing leading wants in assorted subdivisions within the company. ( Eyefortravel, 2008 ) Enhancing the lading bearer s flights: As shown from the part of net income from the lading and client units, the lading unit contributes around 65 % of the company s turnover, which depict the clear laterality of lading unit over the client unit in footings of net income. The company would wish to use this religion of people in Air Arabia s lading unit to derive extra market portion. Therefore as an enlargement program for lading unit, the company is telling more portion of lading planes as compared to that of rider planes. Cleavage and targeting: The Company had divided the consumer market into assorted sections based on income and profession. The section which appears to be the centre of consideration for the company is those of high gaining boniness people who need to go systematically and comfortably. Positioning: It s really consumer s perceptual experience about the service. Royal Jet, from the beginning has tried to set up as a symbol for a inexpensive but dependable air traffic concern spouse. Execution: Air Arabia greatly contributes in the UAE economic system. Recently it got an blessing to look on Dubai fiscal list. The Air Arabia is traveling to look on stock list of Dubai fiscal market and trading it will be started in few yearss. It has already started offering discounts on stocks to its clients. The national economic system of UAE is traveling to be benefited by the sort of schemes being forwarded by Air Arabia. Not merely are they traveling to hold a immense concern but besides a immense investing in the stocks by the common people. The market is traveling to be greatly affected. Many new services are being started. The UAE authorities believes that Air Arabia can alone increase the UAE economic system from traveling down. It has now met with 32 % net income which is the highest of all time in the recent old ages. For increasing its selling dimension, the company has invested over DH one million in footings of Ads, both online and print media. This would ensue in a long term net income for the company, though it s rather a heavy sum on the footing of company s current scenario. ( Arabia, 2009 ) Use of engineering: The Company has late brought 7 new aircrafts with increased capacities and progress engineering. As the company is still really new, about all of the aircrafts are in good status. Talking about other technological diffusion parametric quantities, the company has late brought a SAP system which is an adept system from Sap international. This expert system is Artificial Intelligence based and works on cognition representation instead than informations use, therefore is extremely proficient and progress. The operation unit exploits the SAP system to expeditiously supervise the assorted facets and stock list components. The company besides has an on-line terminus to book tickets and offers assorted programs in flights harmonizing to client demands. International flight linking Abu Dhabi to more than 45 international finishs in USA, Indian subcontinent etc. Air Arabia carried over 4.6 million riders, an augment of about 65.8 % over in 2006. Along with this, it besides griped 175,000 dozenss of cargo in 2007, which is an addition of over 75 % than the twelvemonth 2006. ( Ameinfo, 2009 ) Air Arabia owns complete portion is its two subordinates, Air Arabia Holidays, a travel group and vehicle rental company and Air Arabia Crystal Cargo , which provides cargo managing services. Air Arabia had a 24 hr aid line for its clients. Air Arabia besides provides cordial reception services by supplying impermanent adjustment in hotels. ( Arabia, 2009 ) The Air Arabia owned a group of 37 traveller and lading aeroplanes, as depicted by the information of January 2008 and it program is to increase its aircraft group to 300 by the twelvemonth 2020. Air Arabia is besides be aftering to wing over 25 million clients per twelvemonth by 2020 and to twofold the figure of metropolitans served from 50 to do it near 100. Market cleavage: Soon the market is segmented on the footing of income and going frequence of the people. It consequences in coevals of sections like high concern category consumers, consumers going excessively frequently but using less, touristry based consumers ( non fixed ) etc. Apart from these sections, a assortment of new sections can be created like low-spending domestic category, chiefly for touristry. As illustration of this section can be India s turning domestic air power market which depends small disbursement but big sized section. Talking about the rival s engagement in these sections, Etihad is a large participant of inexpensive flights sections along with Easy jet. Some other like Palm operates in multiple sections. Some rivals are head to head challenger of Air Arabia in Luxury market like Sky jets etc. Thus the rivals are widely spread in these sections. Mentions: Ameinfo ( 2009 ) , Air Arabia selling squad takes centre phase , retrieved on 1st November, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Eyefortravel ( 2008 ) , Air Arabia plans enlargement , retrieved on 1st November, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Lowcostairlinesworld ( 2009 ) , Invention and chance for traditional and low cost bearers and investors , retrieved on 31st October from hypertext transfer protocol: // Air Arabia ( 2009 ) , Know us , retrieved on 1st November, from hypertext transfer protocol: //

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Collabrative working with parents and others Essay

Collabrative working with parents and others - Essay Example This report shows among other details: the child's progress report annually; tabulation of performance of local schools and regular updates on their child's school from private inspectors. The government’s Education Act governs all schools in relation to their provision of educational needs, especially to the distinctive educational disadvantaged pupils, to ensure that such children receive an education that is of the same quality as their counterparts in the mainstream educational system. The Education Act ensures the involvement of parents in the learning process by encouraging them to express their views. They are also encouraged to act on their parental concerns whenever troubled about their children’s wellbeing in the school environment. The government has increased speculation in families and young children and participation in the creation of wide-ranging programmes aimed at transforming early childhood education and care. The National Childcare Strategy was impl emented. This policy sort to bring the early child development programmes, and the social services authorities together to ensure the provision of educational and social amenities to children from needy families (Tomlinson. 2005, p. 35). The QCA/DFEE was later established to promote stakeholders in education and social environment plan how their work contributes to the new early learning goals. The government provides funding that oversees the promotion of children’s personal, social and economic development through formal education and ensuring children remain in right environments to govern their rights. The government, through the Children Social Services Department, seeks to ensure that the rights of children are maintained in the family setting. The government has laid down responsibilities for all parents, to maintain healthy children. Such parenting responsibilities include provision of medical care to the children whenever they are sick, provision of basic education t o all children despite their mental and physical abilities, provision of a safe environment for child development and provision of basic needs for the child. The government gains custody of children whose parents do not support these basic needs and put the children in foster homes. Within any given social situation, the wants, needs and aspirations of different stakeholders may be quite different. It is, therefore, paramount that we identify the relevant stakeholders in order to understand their roles in the collaborative system. It is essential that the pupil should be included as a stakeholder. By looking at an individual pupil or a group of pupils, one can easily determine who the stakeholders are by observing the needs and wants of these pupils and looking at who can fulfill them and how. All stakeholders present their own personal opinions and understanding of the situation; thus, such collaboration will result in the achievement of set goals regarding situations faced by pupi ls and children. When these partnership work effectively, all the parties involved feel they have been able to realize collectively what they would not have if they worked individually (Tomlinson. 2005, p. 76). However, conflicts are bound to arise in any collaborative measure. The important thing, when faced with such a problem, is to consider what is in the interest of the children. We note